Resubmit work for a better grade
Some assignments are allowable to resubmit, but not all assignments. Check with teacher to find out if you can resubmit.
1) Add work to assignment either in correcting pen or on a separate piece of paper, then attach to original. I need to see what work is new and what is original.
2) Turn in to the turn in bin. Write: "Resubmit" and today's date on the assignment.
3) If available for this assignment, must be resubmitted within one week of assignment being returned to student. Can be resubmitted for a grade change one time only.
1) Add work to assignment either in correcting pen or on a separate piece of paper, then attach to original. I need to see what work is new and what is original.
2) Turn in to the turn in bin. Write: "Resubmit" and today's date on the assignment.
3) If available for this assignment, must be resubmitted within one week of assignment being returned to student. Can be resubmitted for a grade change one time only.